Saturday, August 22, 2009

3 Reasons Why I Won't Use Twitter's Geolocation Feature

"3 Reasons Why I Won't Use Twitter's Geolocation Feature
Daniel Ionescu, PC World"

I am across this article on PC Worlds website (dated August 21, 2009). The article describes a new feature that Twitter is going to introduce called Geolocation. Much of the article is focused on the cons of this feature. Relevance to Healthcare? Well, as more and more information is moving to the internet and is in one way or the other, becoming a matter of public domain, the need for privacy is being challenged constantly. It is easier to keep your privacy to begin with then to ask for it back (if not impossible). Now the current course has encouraged us students to open Facebook and Twitter accounts. I have been reluctant to date, primarily over concerns for privacy, but will eventually sign-up (I do of course have to pass the course). However, I would be interested in finding out what the opt out policy is and how difficult or easy it would be to reclaim one's privacy.

The entire article can be read at the following url:


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